Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rodeo Queen BootCamp March 5-7

We had a great time this weekend. We learned alot, we played alot, and we ate alot. Morgan and Kjia saw some of their favorite friends like pictured below. Here is Morgan and Kjia with Cami Cushing McBride on the left, who was Miss Utah 2007 and on the right is Miss Rodeo America 2007, Ashley Andrews ? They were at camp and we learned alot from them. Cami loves the girls since we have seen her through the years at camp and rodeos. She is so cute and we truly love her.
Cami, Kjia and Morgan at the fashion show which was pink night with a 50's theme. You can't help to have some Queens around the King of Rock and Roll. They were also asked to dance and they did a great job. Kjia and Morgan with Reagan Torres, who is the Wilderness Circuit Rodeo Queen for 2009. She is from Roosevelt and has a great family. Reagan is so much fun and a darling girl.

Breanne and Taylor are some of our good friends. They are some cache valley girls that we love to hang around and be in parades and horse shows with. In the summer we spend a lot of time together, and in the winter they girls spend time texting each other.
Cali and her mother are some other good friends from Cache Valley. Cali is in the Cache County Royalty with Kjia. She is the Junior Queen and will queen in High School Rodeos. We made a lot of good friends at camp but the girl on the far right, is another one of our good friends. Stacy Johnson is her name and she has been at camp alot teaching. She is Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2008, and she is amazing. She was the first runner-up this year to Miss Rodeo America and was Miss Rodeo USA two years ago. I love Stacy and I wished she would of won, but she is amazing in every way. My girls love her and wanted her to win but she taught us alot at camp about looking inside yourself and that is not all about winning but your self worth. I cried, imagine that!!!! Also sitting at this table is her mother and some other state queens. What great memories and neat girls you will find.
The Spencer's are also some great friends that have been coming to camp and we had fun with them.
Renae Cowley, Miss Rodeo Utah 2008 standing with Kjia and Morgan. She is also a darling girl and we have grown to love her. She is beautiful and we have spend some time with her at rodeos. Kjia is also on her web page at with Cache County Fair. She was 4th runner up to Miss Rodeo America. She is also one that you would expect to win because they truly have it together when it comes to Rodeo Queens. What a fun weekend but exhausted due to early morning meetings and very late nights playing and have fun.

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