Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kjia's Talent Show-March 20

Kjia performed "Listen to your Heart" at the school talent show. She was voted by her class to go in front of the school. In her class, they had 15 kids do a talent and she was voted my her class. She did an excellent job and I am so proud of her. When she finished, all the kids stood up and clapped. Many people told us that she should be on American Idol, but I think she couldn't handle Simon just yet. My friend at work told me that her daughter came home and said "Kjia sounded like an angel" and had her autograph with hearts on her hand. When I asked Kjia about it, she said it was the kids idea and I guess she has a fan club. Her friend Sage is the president of the fan club and she even had a girl call her and wanted her to sing on the phone. I was videotaping and Shane took pictures with the camera but his pictures didn't turn out. This picture is of Kjia and her favorite little brother, Rhett.


  1. What a cute little "angel". How fun for her, I bet she felt like a celebrity:) LOL

  2. She is looking so grown up!! What cuties you have honey!!
